Friday, August 29, 2014

August 22, through to the 25th, traveled to Panama City for Public Affairs training and touring of Old Panama and the 100 year old Panama Canal

We were invited by the Public Affairs Director for Panama to come to Panama to participate in the training of Public Affairs Committees in 6 stakes in Panama City.

We traveled by plane to get there and only took 2 hours.  Stayed in a very nice hotel called TRYP.  Excellent accommodations.  We were told that Panama City is the Hong Kong of Central America. Having been to Hong Kong we can agree.  Tall skyscrapers and well landscaped grounds.  It made for an enjoyable day.

Saturday the 23rd we were taken by Luis Vallarino to various historical sights in Panama City plus the 100 year old Panama Canal.  We so enjoyed our visit there.

The Public Affairs training was very well received.  Those that attended were excited to participate and had many good ideas and suggestions.
Six stakes were represented at the training
 Stake Center where we had the training meeting Sunday Morning the 24th
Panama City Temple - closed for maintenance
Us in front of the Temple
 Luis Vallarino and family after the Sunday Trainings
Luis and darling daughter
Picture of me that Luis´s daughter took with my cell phone

Elder B getting a hug from Luis´s daughter
 The Historic Panama Square with museums and original church with 200 year old bells in bell tower

Julio, Me and Luis
 The Palace and statues in the square

Touring around the square
Gorgeous building fronts.  Notice that leg coming off the balcony

Clock tower near the square
The following pictures is of an old city that was originally Panama that was burned down.  The city was occupied by 80,000 people. Story is that the city was evacuated and intentionally burned down. Tragic.

The ruins
 Notice the skyscrapers in the background
several hundred year old tree

Touring with Luis and Julio
 Captain Jacqueline Sparrow - she was the instructor for a youth group participating in history at the ruins
 Youth participation in a reenactment of Pirate days
Being shown a Panama Hat - didn´t buy it as it was way overpriced.
Panama Hat that I did not purchase
Luis telling us about the history of this old city
The Pirates

 From off of the observation deck of MiraFlores lock
 MiraFlores lock
 Luis, me and Julio from the observation deck at MiraFlores
 Photograph of a ship going through a lock
I took this picture from the simulator
Photograph of the excavation for the Panama Canal
 MiraFlores lock
Here you see tracks on either side that is used for a small but substantial train like piece of equipment that tethers to the ship and pulls it through the canal 

 Photograph of ship coming through
A simulator photo

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day of the City....Día de Ciudad de Guatemala.

This past week the City of Guatemala celebrated Day of the City.  There was a carnival that lasted all week and by Friday there were processionals and parades of various sorts. I wrote an article for Sala De Prensa Mormona Guatemala and posted Tuesday the 12th.  The following is the post that I translated via google translate to English from Spanish. Also pictures that I took of the fair festivities,
 Arial view of the fair from the Newspapers

 This is a must see.  Guatemala is loaded with volcanos...only a few active.
 Many sweets...dulces
 Rides for the kids
 Banner at the front of the fair grounds.  

On August 15 is celebrated the patronal day Guatemala City. Its official name is La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción name which was founded on January 2, 1776 by Carlos III, King of Spain.
This is a day of great celebration in the City of Guatemala, as it marks the day of the patron saint, the Virgin of the Assumption, which is carried out from the foundation of the new city of Guatemala of the Assumption, which was called and by King Carlos III since its creation in 1776, after an earthquake destroyed three years before the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, now known as the Antigua Guatemala in Sacatepequez 52 km. the current Capital.
"The fair is held at the Hippodrome, zone 2 on the north side of the city, the religious fervor and fun mixes. The capital of all ages participate in religious activities and entertainment such as rides for children and adults, lotteries, archery, marksmanship test, launch distrutan bowling and traditional foods like pepián, jocón, tacos , atol de elote, grenache, French toast, fresh plums in a variety of sweets and more. The day of rest is occupied by many families for sports and others to leave the city and enjoy the day in the field. "
"The festivities include a processional act of walking the Virgin Simeon Canas avenue and some streets of the capital, between fragrant and colorful sawdust carpets and flowers and fireworks."
"Attendees can also visit and admire the Relief Map built by Francisco Vela Irisarri in 1905, which is one of the attractions of this part of the city. The Relief map is considered by many as a jewel of engineering and art. Engineer Vela and his colleagues took them 18 months to build, is a vision of the entire national territory He built it at ground level and two scales. 1: 10,000 for the horizontal extension, and 1: 2,000 for the vertical extent, on a approximate area of ​​1,800 square meters. " (Taken from writings of Elsa Robles and Wikipedia)
What does being a good citizen of your country? Being a good citizen means that your thoughts, words, and deeds reflect a good environment not only for yourself but for all people living in your country.
If you are honest, others will see. If you steal from others then you contribute to an unsafe environment. If you worship God in the way you consider correct, then you you should respect the right of others to worship in your country the way they feel good.
Good citizenship is a responsability towards God, and your country to contribute to peace. Without peace there is chaos and confusion. With chaos and confusion comes fear, and with fear there is darkness, which only results in a country full of terror.
As Latter Day Saints we follow the example of Jesus Christ and honor the 12th Article of Faith : "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."