About mid-day today a member of the IT department came into our office and asked if I would help them. I said sure what do you need? I was happy to help them as they successfully installed the Language Program called TALL onto my office computer and laptop so I could study Spanish more often than the one hour a day at the CCM or what is also known as The Missionary Training Center her in Guatemala City.
He wanted to know if I would read a script that is a talk from Sister Mayavel Pineda Amado wife of our area president, Carlos Amado of the Quorum of the Seventy. It is to be a voice over in English as she was filmed and recorded in Spanish. I said sure why not. I just needed to read it in English...no problema. It last six minutes and Salt Lake will combine my voice over to her film and yes it will be seen all over. Pretty exciting to my day I think. I tried to find a picture of her but could not find one on the internet. Anyone that finds one please let me know.
That's super fun!