Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3rd Semana Santa in Antigua

April 3rd, Senior Missionaries Day Trip to Antigua to see the many sights, sounds and smells and above all else the Procession of the Saviors last days on earth.  The people that participated were very reverent as they marched through the town of Antigua holding up wooden platforms that carried statues of Christ, Mary and other featured people from the Bible that told of Jesus's last days on earth.  Today is known as Good Friday throughout the world.  We believe in Religious Freedom and respect the beliefs of others.  The natural fiber carpets made of flowers, vegetables and colored sawdust were artfully crafted between forms with stenciled designs and flower designs.  All colors were used and made for a very artful display.  The carpets, or Alfombras in Spanish were used to march through while carrying the platforms of depicted persons from the New Testament...namely Jesus, Mary, her attendants and one of Peter holding the Key to the Church as the scriptures record.  This was done to demonstrate their devotion to the Easter event of when Jesus was crucified and then was resurrected.

Please enjoy the following pictures.
Click on ther first frame.  It is a video.

 Quetzal Bird in design of carpet.  The Quetzal Bird is the national bird

 The platforms are made of solid wood, hand carved and just beautiful.

 Christ being led to judgment

 Women carrying the platform of Mary, men at the back to steady it.

Notice the women carrying the platform. 

 Children were also apart of the procession

 Interesting use of vegetables and Leeks

 Roman soldiers
 Roman soldiers on horseback
 Chariots and horses

Child in Purple participating in the event
This is Mary, notice the tears down her face

 Women holding the platform
 Senior missionaries posing for a picture.  But not to anxious to do it.
 Roman soldiers
 It took me awhile to realize who this represented but it is Peter the Apostle holding the key to the Church as recorded in the New Testament

 This plaque translated says "And You, How many times have you denied me"

 Sisters Cragun and Law standing in the trampled remains of an alfrombra

Baby participant dressed in purple

 King from the New Testament
Notice the smoke


Antigua Plaza after the procession is over

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