Karin Crawford with Elder Burningham. Sister Crawford is the LDS volunteer dental hygienist on board the Comfort
It is so heartwarming to see our US men and the men of Guatemala in uniform together.
Loved traveling to the ship by way of a skiff.
On board the skiff to the ship
There are many surgical beds, recovery beds, an ICU, blood bank, cat scan, x-rays and yes even a morgue on board the ship. We toured the ship extensively but we were not allowed to go where there were surgeries or where patients were being treated. It is an amazing ship. Been in operation since 1988,
The table is set for the soldier who gave his or her life. The inscription above tells of a very moving remembrance
Three LDS volunteers aboard the ship. Dentist and two nurses.
Al and I with Hospital Ship Commander Christine Sears at lunch. Such a privilege.
Two Latter Day Saints serving as nurses aboard the Comfort Ship. Laura McRor and Jacque Weech
Getting off the skiff was interesting. The skiff was hoisted by pulleys on each end to the platform of the ship. Quite an adventure in itself. We were not tosseled or swayed. Gentle ride up.