Saturday, January 3, 2015

Public Affairs Work and other information. Please visit and read.

Our job here in Guatemala is to strengthen relationships between Public Opinion Leaders and the church.  By the way this blog reads you would think that all we do here is to sight see.  So to clarify what we have done in the last 10 months I will explain.

Elder B has structured training by use of power point and video's to train Public Affairs committees within the stakes (Estacas) that are called to serve in that capacity. It should be mentioned here that Elder B is fluent in Spanish as he served a mission in the Andes Mission, Peru and Chile some 50 years ago. We train the committees to identify who the Public Opinion leaders are and to gather information on projects performed by their stakes which are service projects that are performed by church members. The LDS church wants the governments and all people that we are friends not to impose our beliefs on others.  Mormon Helping hands are all church members involved in a service project that help the community and all people . With that information the Public Affairs committees can write about it and send it to me with pictures and then I enter it into a newsroom format on the church's website. This is something I like doing and I am proficient at it.  For Guatemala it is called Sala de Prensa or newsroom.  Pictures are sent to me and I put them into the format.  For instance if you recall the last story I covered was from Costa Rica where a Stake had worked on an amazing open house and devotional about the meaning of Christmas.  That story went on the newsroom for Costa Rica but then our director Julio Alvarado asked me to enter it in the Guatemala newsroom as well.  Which brings a question to the minds of my readers that I might have control over all the Central American countries....well yes and no.  Each Central American country has their own called editor which does what I do for Guatemala however I have authorization to oversee and check each country's newsroom for proofreading and small errors.  For the most part that is well done.  I do not speak Spanish well enough to truly edit their work and I don't .  I just see if it is updated and information from Salt Lake is current.  The news rooms from all countries are viewed by the entire world.  Not just members of the LDS Church.  Which is the point.  There are so many misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that it has become necessary to inform the world of our good intentions.  No we are not perfect but we strive to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do unto all men and women everywhere good.  Just good.  Just love and help.

The newsrooms are specific to language and country.  When you visit the Sala de Prensa you see in the upper right corner an international icon that you can click and open up and see the various country's listed and then see what the church is doing in each country.  I have really enjoyed reporting these newsroom stories.  I don't have to know the language expertly to do this.  I use the tools that modern day technology has google translate and of course I rely on the amazing talents of the members and employees in my office that are bilingual both in speech and writing skills.  I learn from this also as I read the English and compare to Spanish and pick up meanings.  I also learn more about the culture here and also appreciate that language expressions are different in other languages.  I am not offended that what I write in English and then translated into Spanish may be a little differently said.  I appreciate that the Spanish language has expressions that is better understood by the people here in Central America.  And I have learned to love that difference.  The spirit tells me that it is all very good and I love it. I have loved getting to know the people.  All people are the same.  We are all children of our Heavenly Father and we feel the same, love the same and have the same needs.  At Christmas time I made some Banana Nut Bread and gave to my two neighbors who live on our floor who are native Guatemalans.  Nothing could have warmed my heart more than doing this.  It is an act of friendship and I loved feeling the friendship.

I hope that I have explained this better as I have many readers to my blog now.  Even though I do not get comments as I did when I lived in the Philippines I know that I have readers.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ goes forth among all people and it is a marvelous work and a wonder.  The visits to archeological ruins help us to understand todays people and how cultures built their cities and how they lived. It helps us to know where the people of Central America have evolved from.  Its a great learning experience and has broadened my perspective tremendously. 

More about what its like here

There are things that I have to realize and be patient with here in Guatemala City. One of those things is the traffic. It is challenging even though drivers drive in their lanes and there are stoplights etc., it is just very challenging to be out and about.  Many cars out there.  I don't drive here....makes me very nervous.  Too many motorcycles that dart in and out of traffic....that is scary.  It is a developing country and it is not like it is in the US, however there are many similarities.  That's why it is called a developing country.

There are modern conveniences like internet and cable TV that work most of the time. Hot water in the showers and sinks.  Washer and dryers.....which we are fortunate to have.  Not all people have that.  They wash clothes and hang them up.  Our apartment here had hookups for a garbage disposal but no garbage disposal....but they are sold here.  So we bought one and had it installed.  We love the sound of it if you can believe it. There are many modern malls and supermarkets and some fresh produce markets.  That is our favorite.

What we have learned here

We have gleaned from the other Senior Missionaries what they have experienced in their callings.  The medical, self reliance, English teachers, auditors, technical, lawyers all have experiences that help not only the Church but all people here in Central America go forward.  It is work.....believe me.  Its a job.  And to put everything together we travel about with other seniors.  We learn together. We help our families and ward members back home to better have an understanding of the church and people abroad.  If anything at all....its to love one another as God as loved us all. 

I think the country is beautiful but I do miss my homeland and home in St. George Utah.  Therein lays the sacrifice in serving.  You leave what you know and love to serve God and the Lord and other people.    I miss my family so very much.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of them.  Thank Heaven for Skype and Facebook and email.  Life without those capabilities would be very depressing. 

I am thankful for the opportunity but I count down the months until I can return. 

I hope I have better explained our time here.....God bless you all.  Hermana Burningham

Sala de Prensa can be found by going to  for information on Guatemala.  Upper right corner is an international icon which can be clicked and where other countries can be viewed.  Go see and enjoy.