This past week has been a special one as we attended and participated in helping hand out school supplies to children in out lying areas of Guatemala. The school supplies consist of 4 notebooks, two pencils, pencil sharpener and eraser. The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints and other organizations partner with an organization called Grupo Emisoras Unidas who sponsors the School Kit donations to Public Schools in the outlying areas where funds are scarce or non-existent to elementary children attending schools. All organizations that partner to do this amazing project, donate funds and time to put together the kits. More than 4,000 children benefited from these kits and they were so happy to receive them. The project will be on-going for a few weeks to hand out the kits. Elder B and myself helped to hand out the school kits along with our director Julio Alvarado.The kids love both Kits school that we are delivering as part of the campaign ' notebooks with Heart ', One of the mothers room said: ' We have little money for food, good that we do not have to find money for these notebooks, thank you for coming to help"
One little boy ran up to me as the other children were returning to their classes. He said something in Spanish and I told him I speak very little Spanish, then he said, "Oh, (In perfect English) "I like these books, Thank you so much" I could have cried but I hugged him and told him he was welcome.
Nothing is so heartwarming than to see these beautiful children be so overjoyed to receive notebooks, pencils and sharpeners and erasers to help them study in school. These kids really WANT to be in school. The teachers REALLY want to be an influence in their lives.
To the naysayers who say that so many kids are being shipped to the US, let me say this. The parents of THOSE kids are already in the US and some parents here in Central America cannot take care of their kids and are looking for a way out for their children. But that is not true of the majority here in Central America. From Public to Private schools, the parents are doing all they can to get them in school. Granted, not all kids are in school......they are working in the fields, selling typical clothing or handmade souvenirs, or helping the family get by on what ever they can do.
Here is an interesting tidbit . Children who have no birth certificates....meaning that they were not born in a hospital, cannot go to public school, however they can go to school on weekends. Most of these children are called Garbage Dump kids....and why? Because their families are camped by a dump where they forage for food. Its a sad thing.
Here in our neighborhood where it is fairly affluent, we see buses come get kids for public and private school. But in the outlying areas of Guatemala City, they walk....and yes it is the "five mile walk" that our grandparents talked about.
Do not judge what you don't see and only hear. Most of it is not true. And if you really want to get involved.....find a charity to donate to or better yet...join up with one that you can make a difference. In the LDS Church there is what is called "Mormon Helping Hands". We are here to help. In Spanish it is called "Mano Mormones Que Ayudan" Mormon Hands that Help. And all denomin ations are welcome. That is why the LDS faith joins other organizations and other churches to promote good amongst all God's children.
Those who are LDS or know of an LDS congregation, you can donate to LDS Charities. You can find LDS Charities on line as well. By so doing you are helping a developing country and a developing a world of peace.