Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Morning November 10th

The weekend was beautiful.  It is coolish here this time of year.  You would think it was fall but the flowers still bloom and the sunsets and sunrises are amazing.

Saturday we decided to go out to a nursery and purchase a few more plants for my balcony garden. We also purchased some much needed garden tools as kitchen forks and spoons and kitchen scissors were just not going to do the job.  On our way out to the nursery we stopped at a Price Smart which is the same as Costco in the United States.  We thought we would just pick up a couple of things that we forgot earlier in the week like Shampoo.....but no, we picked up a lot of other things we forgot about.  We laughed about it and said,"Oh yeah, lets just drop by Price Smart for a few things."  Then to the nursery and then to La Torre.  We shopped till we dropped....back at our apartment for the afternoon as we were exhausted.

Sunday we attended meetings at the Montufar ward not far from our apartment and then a Public Affairs National council meeting in the afternoon.  This morning the 10th, we had the weekly devotional were Al was the speaker.  Glad it was him as he speaks the language.  whew, off the hook.

This coming weekend we will be in El Salvador and Belize on assignment.  It is educational to see the countries and marvel that this was all Book of Mormon country some three thousand years ago. Also the entire Central America is just loaded with volcanos.  I am amazed.  The country of Spain has had a heavy influence in culture and language here.  Right from Mexico to Central and South America.  A lot of the ruins have strong similarities....  They look like Pyramids in a way.  The hewn rocks are so heavy we wonder how they were ever moved into place.  Amazing.

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