Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 11, 2014, "If there is anything virtuous, Lovely or of Good Report, We seek after these things" Wheelchair Project for children

Today we accompanied Elder and Sister Bingham, the Humanitarian Senior Missionaries here in Guatemala to a small school on the edge of Lake Atitlan. This small school, which is an hour and half north of Guatemala City became the site where wheelchairs were fitted and distributed.  Elder and Sister Bingham were instrumental in identifying a need which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could help with and received approval from the Area Presidency and Director of Temporal Affairs in Guatemala. The LDS Church recognizes that Christian based organizations can combine efforts for the good of all people and their needs. So it is with this Wheelchair Project here in Guatemala and other parts of the world.  Elder and Sister Bingham previously served in Africa as Humanitarian Missionaries for the LDS church and worked on similar wheelchair projects there.  The LDS church sponsored this project with the funds needed for the wheelchairs and combined with Hope Haven Ministerial Organization, a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) that manufactures the wheelchairs and invites students who are studying physical therapy and some dental students to volunteer their time to help families and children in developing countries. The two schools involved are University of Kansas and Park University also of Kansas.  We spoke with several of the students who have given their time during spring break from school to come help adjust the wheelchairs under the guidance of a pediatric therapist who carefully sees what adjustments are needed for the child to the wheelchair. Each student is enthusiastic to be of help and some spoke some Spanish to each child. Each child and their parents were given a fluoride swab and information on dental hygiene as part of the service given today. The LDS Church partnered with Hope Haven by supplying the financial resource to purchase the wheelchairs.

Hope Haven student volunteers

Picture outside our hotel with a SUV transporting two of the twenty-five wheelchairs that were distributed today.

Rosalie Rodriquez being fitted to her wheelchair. She had never been a wheelchair before

Therapist evaluating Rosalie and said she was eligible for surgery to straighten her leg and foot. Far right is Rosalie's father Cristobal Rodriquez

Students adjusting the wheelchair per the therapists instructions 

 Wheel Chairs to be distributed
Far right are wheelchairs sponsored by LDS church.

Maria just got fitted for her wheelchair with her father

Boy being fitted to wheelchair

Elder and Sister Bingham, Humanitarian missionaries with Mark Richards, Elsa and assistant to Hope Haven

Rose being evaluated for surgery

Rose with a smile

Young boy being lifted into his wheelchair for fitting

Rose with her hygiene kit

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